England Athletics have produced a set of Club Standards in line with legal legislation and the code of sports governance (Tier 1) set out by Sport England to help clubs understand what they should have in place for good governance and duty of care:
Good governance is the foundation of a well-run club. It protects the club’s values and reputation whilst looking after the club’s funds and people. It also holds those responsible accountable for the club’s actions and decisions. It is represented by the structures, rules, policies and practices in operation in a club.
‘Duty of care’ is a common law that applies to all individuals and organisations. Clubs have a duty of care towards their members and are responsible for ensuring all club activity is safe. Everyone has a role to play in keeping others safe. All club members should know what to do if they have any concerns.
Please find below the documents that Totley AC have provided to England Athletics as part of the Club Standards checklist:
Club Constitution
Grievance & Disciplinary Policy Privacy Notice
Health & Safety policy
Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone within the club (led by the whole committee) but England Athletics requires the club to have welfare officers to ensure that the club has dedicated people with the primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about members at risk.
The welfare officers act as trained and trusted people that you can reach out to about a concern. As the lead people who have the skills and knowledge to manage any concern raised in an appropriate way, they will know how to deal with concerns in a way that wouldn’t hamper an investigation. Their responsibility will be to ensure the right information is shared with the right people at the right time.
The Totley AC Welfare Officers are: Helen Young and Tom Ricketts.
Please email or talk to them in person.
The Totley AC Safeguarding Policy - last updated in November 2023
Totley AC has a ‘Duty of Care’ towards its members, and is responsible for ensuring that all club activities are safe. To fulfil this duty, England Athletics Club recommends that clubs implement a Health and Safety policy and associated Risk Assessments.
Having a Health and Safety policy and Risk Assessment helps to manage and mitigate risks, to give members confidence that they can take part in running activities safely. The health and safety of club members is the joint responsibility of the Totley AC Committee and the Health & Safety Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the implementation and updating of the club’s Health and Safety Policy and associated risk assessments.
The Totley AC Health & Safety Coordinator is: Edward Byard
Please get in touch with the Health & Safety Coordinator if you have any concerns.
Totley AC Health & Safety Policy - last updated in April 2022
Totley AC Risk Assessment - last updated in November 2023
Reporting Accidents/Incidents/Fatalities
Please report all accidents, incidents (“near misses”), and fatalities to the club here. The information from these reports is used by Totley AC to help prevent future occurrences of similar incidents.
Club Structure